NuuRez Inc.

Start Using Your Investor Benefits

A few months ago, we talked about some of the rewards and specials that we’re creating special just for our investors. As of today, we’re happy to announce that you can now book directly online through the Nuurez website and get an additional discount in addition to the already low direct booking rate. With this special rate, you’ll be able to book your stay at your convenience, even at 5am after waking up dreaming of a vacation getaway.

In order to protect your benefits, here is how the process works:

  1. Getting Your Discount Code:
    Each month we will email you the coupon code. We will also make sure it is visible to you by placing it at the top of the website when you are logged in.

  2. Booking Your Stay:
    a) From, choose any of our properties and start the booking process.
    b) When you get to step 3 (where it asks for your payment method) under the total and payment schedule, click on Promotion / Group Code.
    c) Enter the Promotion and make sure to click Apply.
    d) Complete the rest of the booking as normal.

  3. If the property you want to book does not take you to our online booking form or if you encounter any errors in this process, reach out to us by phone or using the contact form and we will be happy to help or to schedule your stay by phone.

We Look Forward To Welcoming Your To Your Luxurious stay