NuuRez Inc.

submit a property

Have or know someone with a property to sell or lease?

Have a property that you want to submit to Nuurez or know someone who does? Fill out the form below and Nuurez will contact you to discuss the details.

If you are referring someone else’s property, we’ve got a bonus for you! If they lease their property to Nuurez, you will earn a commission of $100 for a 1 month lease, $250 for a 3 month lease or $500 for a 12 month lease! Just select the “Someone Else’s Property” below and we’ll ask for your information so even you can earn with Nuurez.

Please note that your information is saved on our server as you enter it.

Have A Property for sale or rent?



Nuurez is constantly researching and acquiring new properties to create an ever expanding portfolio of places we can offer our guests. If you have a house, apartment or other residential properties that could be sold or leased to Nuurez, select “My Property” below and fill out the form below and we will contact you to discuss the details.

Don’t have a property but know someone who does, you can earn a commission if they sell or lease to Nuurez. 
Earn $100 for a 1 month lease, $250 for a 3 month lease and $500 for a 12 month lease!
Just select “Someone Else’s Property” below to get started.